Masjid al-Quba

Masjid Quba (atau Masjid al-Quba) ialah masjid pertama yang dibina oleh orang Islam. Masjid ini terletak di Kota Madinah kira-kira dua batu daripada Masjid Nabawi. Masjid ini diasaskan oleh Nabi Muhammad sebelum Baginda tiba di Madinah melakukan berhijrah dari Makkah.

Masjid an-Nabawi

Masjid an-Nabawi (Arab: المسجد النبوي‎ al-Masjid al-Nabawīy) atau Masjid Nabi merupakan masjid kedua paling suci mengikut kepercayaan umat Islam. Di sini juga terdapat Makam Rasullullah S.A.W. Masjidil Haram merupakan masjid paling suci dan Masjid Al Aqsa merupakan masjid ketiga paling suci dalam Islam.

Universiti al-Azhar

Universiti al-Azhar (Bahasa Arab: جامعة الأزهر atau juga الأزهر الشريف; al-Azhar al-Shareef, "Azhar yang Mulia"), adalah sebuah institusi pendidikan tinggi ulung di Mesir, dan terkenal di dunia sebagai pusat kesarjanaan dan pendidikan. Mula dibina pada 969, ia merupakan universiti yang kedua tertua ditubuhkan yang masih beroperasi selepas Universiti al-Qarawiyin di Fes, Maghribi.

Masjidil Haram

Masjidil Haram, kadangkala disebut juga Masjid al-Haram ataupun Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām (Arab : المسجد الحرام), adalah masjid paling suci mengikut kepercayaan umat Islam. Masjid ini terletak di Kota Makkah Al Mukharamah. Masjid al-Haram dibina mengelilingi Kaabah, iaitu Qiblat umat Islam apabila mengerjakan solat.

Masjid Al-Aqsa

Masjid Al-Aqsa (Arab: المسجد الاقصى), adalah sebahagian daripada kompleks bangunan-bangunan agama-agama di Baitulmuqaddis dikenali sebagai Gunung Majed atau Al-Haram Al-Sharif dan tapak ibadah suci yang ketiga (Tapak Ibadah Suci) kepada Muslim dan Har ha-Bayit (Kuil Suci) kepada Yahudi.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Innocence Of Muslims - The Film Insulted The Prophet Muhammad SAW

Film 786 (innocence of Muslims) is a film that was made in Holland about the buffoonery of the Prophet Muhammad that we love. 60 million Muslim society interchangeable Holland destroy the economy with less than 5 Minute with sending this message, Hopefully we can answer any questions to us by Allah, when Allah asked us later about what actions we do when his beloved Prophet taken into comedy? Denmark has experienced a loss ... please do not let this message stop in hp or PC. As you know that, all Danish newspapers includes comedy about the Prophet Muhammad SAW and till now they do not regret it. Together we make them regret their actions ... The Danish Ambassador, Prime Minister and Denmark National Channel; currently in use trying to do something to stop the boycott that is done by Muslims since 1 month off, where the boycott they suffered losses of around £ 4 billion.

If we continue to boycott Denmark product in 7 months or more would cause them to lose £ 80 billion interchangeable. Trust me, do not stop to forward this message as much as possible to other Muslim brothers .., sure you can do it within the 15 Minute to spread to our muslim brothers and other Muslim sisters ....

EARLY? Rasulullah REMEMBER YOU MAY BE ASKED TO (ASK retort) Day of VENGEANCE LATER, WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO WHEN THE MATERIALS AS THEY made ​​me buffoonery? Are we going to continue to be silent when the beloved Apostle who will intercede on our padang mahsyar continue insulted?



Innocence Of Muslims
The Film Insulted The Prophet Muhammad SAW


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